CAACURH acknowledges the violence and hate to individuals who may identify with LGBTQIA+. We hope by educating individuals on the hate, violence, and difficulties that individuals face in this identity network to bring a stop to this upsetting sequence of events.
If you feel that any of this information is wrong, please reach out to us and we will fix it.


Homelessness can take many forms among youth populations. From living on the streets to couch surfing to living in cars, Youth suffering from housing instability often end up living in conditions not meant for human habitation. Unfortunately, LGBTQ Youth are disproportionately affected by homelessness and housing insecurity.
Despite making up less than 10% of the population, LGBTQ Youth make up anywhere from 20% to 40% of the homeless youth population each year.2 That equates to LGBTQ Youth having a 120% higher risk of being homeless when compared to their heterosexual peers.1 Family rejection has been linked to being a strong contributing factor to this disparity. The alarming disparity in the experiences of LGBTQ Youth is a great cause for concern.


Homelessness and housing instability in one's early life can have a strong and lasting impact on their development. Homelessness in adolescence has been linked to a decrease in mental health and physical health, increased risk of sexual abuse, increased risk of substance dependencies, increased discrimination, and lower levels of long-term educational attainment, among other things.
The top reason found for housing insecurity among the LGBTQ Youth population is family rejection because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Followed by physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; and financial and emotional neglect.2 Once a minor is homeless, it can become a fight to survive. We must, as a society, do everything we can to prevent LGBTQ Youth homelessness.