Your Police Department
Call and see if your police department participates in bias and de-escalation training. While many do not, you can contact your chief of police and see if they have any plans or experience with different types of training, have body camera equipment, and why type of advocacy/bias projects they have. Write or call your chief of police and city representative to advocate for change.
Your Representatives
Write to your house of representatives reps as well as your senator to advocate for racial impact statements.
"Racial impact statements are a tool for lawmakers to evaluate potential disparities of proposed legislation prior to adoption and implementation. Analogous to fiscal impact statements, they assist legislators in detecting unforeseen policy ramifications. Policymakers may then be able to modify legislation that would worsen existing racial disparities. Practically speaking, it is important to address a policy’s unwarranted effects before it is adopted, as it is more difficult to reverse sentencing policies once they have been implemented."